Title: GHAM E AASHIQI TERA SHUKRIA || Parveen Shakir غم عاشقی تیرا شکریہ أ پروین شاکر
Lyrics: Parveen Shakir
Voice over: Riyaz Hashmi
Music: Sad Violin
Audio Editing: Mohammad Abubakar
Graphics: Umer Hashmi
Label: Ishq Poetry
Producer: Qazi Shafiq
Production: Ishq Production
...................................................................... Parveen Shakir
gham e aashiqi tera shukriya || parveen shakir || gham e aashiqui tera shukriya rahat fateh ali khan
Ghum e Ashiqi Tera Shukriya || gham e aashiqui tera shukriya || game aashiqui || gham e aashiqui
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